
CH VI: Prophecies - Apologies

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NOTE: Before you read this chapter, start from the start (chapter one). If you've read all the chapters before this one, then continue.

Chapter Six: Prophecies and Apologies
The sky was a pure black, and the stars glittered in the sky. The only light that Moon could see was the eerie moonlight gleaming through the gap in the roof of Beth's cavern. It shone to the pool, and the water was faintly shuddering. The clock was hard to see in this light but Moon could faintly see the shape of it and heard its faint ticking. She slowly moved her forepaw to the clock, and when she had merely tapped it with her blunt claws, a shimmering glow grew about the cave. It was bright blue, and it was textured with the waves of the pool. The water had a tall kind of light from the moon, and the stars peeked in through.
"Go on, Moon," Beth said gently, "Tell me what you see."
Moon stared at the glowing light, and from it, Moon could see two faces.
"I-I-I see…um," Moon stammered, "I see my parents."
The faces smiled at Moon dearly, and she smiled back.
Then a voice echoed around the cave, saying:
"May Dawn and Dusk give you the power to defend yourselves. May they give you knowledge and skill, to define truth and wipe out the lies. To endure the good and conquer the evil. May they be with you, my pack. Amen."
Then another voice called out:
"I don't understand, Sin. What if they figure out, you know, the bloodline?"
"They won't, Bless. How can they figure out that we are the children of Dawn and Dusk? Really, it's impossible."

Beth's eyes seemed to open wide, and she walked up to Moon, listening intently.
"Spectrum, Moon and Bloodfang are the remaining bloodline in the pack. Something tells me that our pack's minds will be split when they finally understand."
And the light dimmed down to a dull reflection of the moon once more. Beth was shaking, and a faint snarl rolled across her muzzle.
"Beth? Are you alright?" Moon asked.
"I never knew," she seemed to say, "I never knew anything about a bloodline."
"Beth, answer me, are you alright?"
"Leave now, cub," she snarled, "Get out! I don't need any of this here. I will figure it out myself."
Moon looked saddened and frightened at the same time. What had gotten into Beth?
"I said, GET OUT!" Beth growled loudly, "Get out NOW!"
The young cub backed up, and then bolted home.

Sin could see a group of wolves in the distance. They were growling and snarling at each other, biting and pushing. The cubs were frightened and hidden away. Sin could hear very faintly what they were saying, and the subject was definitely about their prisoner's freedom.
"How dare you!" Snarled a wolf with a thick coat of pure white. "I'm still furious! They were supposed to be executed and you ruined it!"
"Not me," said a young she-wolf, "It was all our faults."
"I don't care! That traitor, Oliver," he snarled, "And that miserable excuse for a wolf, Fragile, is with him! Do you know where they are most likely headed?"
The young she wolf lowered her scruffy head in dismay and confusion.
"They're heading for the Edge! The Element Force!" he shouted to small group of wolves, "And it's all your fault! They are going to bring them here!"
"We…we don't know that, Captain Cobra," the she-wolf snivelled, "They could have just run away and done nothing at all! We aren't in trouble!"
"Don't tell me that, Alida," Cobra spat, "We are in trouble."
Alida whimpered and scurried off while Cobra stood there snarling.
"That poor she-wolf," June whined, "That Captain is horrible."
"We have to do something!" Fang growled.
"Enough," Bless said, "We will move closer only if we have a plan. The plan is, to creep behind those boulders and undergrowth; there we will sneak to their leader."
"I'm scared," Leaf shuddered. "They'll kill me straight away if I go out there."
"Don't worry, Leaf," Fang smiled, "I'll make sure that you are safe."
The five wolves moved to a nearby boulder, and crept in the undergrowth, well away from the Army so they could not scent them. June jumped and tightened when a snap sounded from her front paw. A broken twig lay in the dirt.
"Now look what you've done!" Sin whispered.
And almost immediately, a brown wolf appeared behind them while two males were in front. The brown wolf bit onto June's back and dragged her out into the open stone. Five other wolves surrounded her.
The two males gruffly pushed the remaining into the open as well.
"Hmph, filthy Element Force. What are you doing here, hmm?" Cobra growled.
"To sort something out, we don't wish to fight." Bless replied.
"Well, if it isn't Leaf!" said a grey-brown she-wolf.
"And her pathetic backup group!" snarled a male.
Sin stood up forcefully, and repeated Bless's words, "We do not wish to fight."
"Fine," snapped Cobra, "What do you want, then?"
"We wish to see your leader. We want to talk to her about the theft of rogues."
And surprisingly, Cobra groaned and said tiredly, "Follow me, then."

Cobra had led the five to a tall, rocky cavern where on a throne sat a small grey she-wolf, looking down on the group, while gnawing at a bone.
'She lacks in size, doesn't she?' thought June to herself. 'She's certainly not a threat.'
"Before you stands Alpha Willow," Cobra spoke, "Leader of the Blood. Your actions and words are under her command only."
"Captain, leave now." Alpha Willow had said. Her voice was rather high-pitched but had a cruel tone in her words. Cobra obeyed, and left the lofty cave.
"Now," Alpha Willow asked, "What can I do for you, Sin and Bless? What is it that you want and why?"
"Well, we've…uh," Bless replied, "…Noticed the theft of females and cubs, and we are wondering if we could talk about why you have done so?"
"Hmm, a difficult question, but not unanswerable," she told Bless, "We have lacked many cubs for seasons, and that was our only option."
"But, there's so many of you!" Sin objected, "How will you feed yourselves?"
"Easy," Alpha Willow smiled eerily, "We eat stillborn wolf cubs. It lowers our numbers only a little so it is easier to fend for ourselves."
"You what!?" Fang flinched while the other wolves stared in horror.
"You heard me right. It's just nature's way." She said simply.
"It's…cannibalism!" Sin snarled, "It's unhealthy, that's what."
"Hmph," Alpha Willow sneered, "It's the only way."
"Please stop arguing," Bless said sadly, "We're here to sort this out, not fight."
Sin sighed, and nodded, while Alpha Willow closed her eyes in agreement.
"I'm pleading you," Bless whined, "This theft must stop. It's ruining the wolf's nature."
"I don't know if we should. However, I will think about this. It seems important to you, so I might just say 'yes, we will stop'. But, then again, I may not. Leave now. Return to your pack, except for you, Sin, Bless; you two stay."
Leaf looked at her former leader and her tail swept between her legs. She felt sick from just looking up at her. She and the others turned away to the exit, when Alpha Willow hopped down from her throne and padded toward Leaf.
"I also owe you an apology about the execution. It wasn't right," Alpha Willow paused to snuggle Leaf's neck. "You're free of our pack. Live on, and have a good life with your brother. It hurts me to say this, but, goodbye, Leaf."
Leaf was soothed and happy now. She did not feel like a threat or pest to them anymore. She felt wanted by them. Now she had to make her choice, to stay with them, or leave.
"Thankyou, Willow, I choose to be free. Good luck and farewell."
Fang and June watched Leaf leave the little wolf and walk toward them. She smiled, and the three wolves left the cavern.
"Now, you two," Alpha Willow smiled, "You will both be my guards. You are now under my orders, and I choose you both to remain here, as two powerful wolves. Also, about your "Force", you made a promise to them didn't you? You promised a wolf his leadership. Your Force is and will be forever alive. But you must let it alone."
Sin looked down, and shrugged, "Alright, I suppose we will, Alpha Willow."
"Please," Alpha Willow chuckled and said to them both, "Just call me Willow."

The three wolves were already at the edge of the mountain, and they sat down to look at the view. Below them stood hundreds of pine trees and a small creek glistened in a gap. Moreover, down the mountain they could see a small human building with smoke rising from its chimney. Beyond that was a small town with shops and houses, and an empty desert was glowing a lilac blue in the moonlight. In a clearing ahead of them near the edge of the mountain, was a huge, rocky landmass, with chasms and cliffs. Fang could see a faint line of water in between the rocks, but it was very faint and blurred. As far as they could see, was a long bridge, amongst hilly ground. Some of the hills were huge, and seemed almost alike to the mountains; to their right side of vision, they could also see smaller hills with boulders tossed on them. In the boulders were tiny entrances, and the wolves had seen a tiny speck which looked like a group of wolves.
"Rogues," Fang snorted, "Pathetic."
June said nothing, and was the first to break from the trance of the view. She padded to dusty ground, and began sliding down the hills, tripping once or twice. Fang was barking a laugh, and Leaf giggled beside him. The two followed June down the mountain, and soon came across a trickle of water. Leaf sniffed the water, and followed its trail. The water led to a creek, which was surrounded by cracks in the dirt. They were finally at the Crackled Path.
"I wonder if Fragile and Oliver are here." June barked, with a searching look on her face.
"I doubt it," Fang scoffed, "They've probably fled miles from here."
"Come on, you two," Leaf smiled, "We can't just go looking for them. It is their business, not ours. We will just have to sleep here tonight."
"What, in this dusty, crackled dirt? Never!" June whined.
Fang growled, and then went to the water to drink. When he finished, he stopped still. His ears were alert and swivelled about like radars.
"Hey, June, come here." He whispered.
"What is it?" She barked in a questioning tone.
"Shh!" Fang snarled, "It'll hear you!"
Just five trees from the wolves was a tall, black-haired man, sitting down and smoking a cigarette. When he was finished, he flicked it on the dirt, and walked into a tall, triangle-shaped home. He turned the lantern on, and began to sleep. The wolves' noses wrinkled at the horrible smell, and they crept away into the undergrowth.
The sixth chapter of Night Broken, Prophecies and Apologies.

Hope you all like it ^.^
Btw, if there's any grammar problems or spelling mistakes, be sure to tell me :meow:

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© 2011 - 2024 SilentXSpectre
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